My name is Harvey.
And this is my lockdown story.
My mum has been shielding me since Monday 23 March, so for 36 days so far.
We are not allowed to go out the house at all and Mum has to wipe all the shopping down.
I’ve been really sad not being able to see my Granny, but I have been Facetiming her lots. And Granny trying to use the iPad is always a giggle.
In the photo is my best friend, Naughty Ned. He has been going to stay at my stepdaddy’s house at the weekends so he can be walked. Naughty Ned has helped to keep me happy and calm. But he’s making my mum want to pull her hair out, and my mum is really missing not walking him as that’s her stress relief.
All my appointments have been done by video link which has been funny, but Mum tells me pulling faces when on video link isn’t cool.
I spent my 14th birthday in lockdown which I was ok with, but it made my mum really really sad that we couldn’t have a big party as normal as birthdays are precious. But we made the most of it and some family came over to say hi while standing at the top of the drive.
So far everyone has been really proud of how I’ve managed during shielding as I’m an active boy who likes to be out and about, so being in all day is a big change. My mum is the one who is struggling the most as she really misses her support network and having a hug when her worries get too much. But she has been Facetiming family and friends lots too.
So, all in all, we are coping really well, and have made lots of plans of what we are going to do when we can leave the house. My first thing will be going to the zoo or paddle boarding, and my mum is looking forward to walking Ned for miles and having a hug with my stepdad.