Fundraise through gaming

Game On! is a fun way to raise money to help to make the most of short and precious lives. Children’s Hospice South West are all about families and friends spending time together and having fun, and we know that many of you already love to play games and host competitions.
With Game On!, you can play with friends or lose yourself in a new world; become part of a new community and get to know others with shared interests, all while raising money for local babies, children and young people living with life-limiting conditions and their families.
If gaming isn’t your thing, you can still get involved and host a live stream of a different activity such as painting or cake decorating.
Noah's Legacy Laps
In August 2024, a gaming fundraiser was organised to celebrate the life of 9-year-old Noah.
Find out more about this special stream
We're here to help
Join the Game On fun and we'll be with you every step of the way! For more information talk to Jadeen.
Game on!
Whatever you choose to do in your gaming fundraising, we hope you have a great time and thank you for helping to make the most of short and precious lives through Game On. However, please remember to always game responsibly and stay safe online, especially if younger players are joining in. Go gamers!
Join our dedicated Discord server to connect with fellow streamers and Game On supporters
Fundraising ideas
- Play against the clock – people could donate to enter their guess for how quickly you can complete a challenge or what final score you will achieve after a set time. The winner with the closest guess can then get a prize.
- Workplace gaming – Get your boss involved so that everyone can take a quick break from work and play for charity. This could also tie in well with a leader board and a set challenge, such as fastest completion time, with a prize for the winner.
- Retro gaming – dig out your old consoles and charge people to have a go playing classics from their childhood.
- Hold a gaming tournament – everyone can get involved in a tournament, even first time gamers, so get a group of friends or colleagues together and charge a small donation to enter.
- Livestream gaming marathon – hosting a live stream gaming marathon can attract a whole new audience and can potentially have a worldwide reach. Do this on your own, or in a team, and see how long you can play games continuously.
- Livestream gaming challenges: These could include: how-to gaming sessions, giving players hints and tips on how to complete games or reach new records, all for kind donations; racing against the clock; knockout tournaments with online entrants or live challenges provided by viewers or competing gamers.
- Build something incredible – Flex your artistic talents in the virtual world. Why not recreate the CHSW logo, or Little Bridge House in Minecraft and have your friends and family donate to help you choose colours or materials?
Top tips
- Choose a console or PC and pick a game to play.
- What’s your target? Setting a clear goal motivates everyone, including yourself, to achieve it!
- Get friends, family and employers involved and let them all become part of your team!
- Set a place and time in advance so you know you have a good internet connection and a location where you’ll be undisturbed.
- Use the links on our website to create your Tiltify page for CHSW and link it to your Twitch account.
- Share your event far and wide – on social media, in WhatsApp groups and via email.
- Don’t forget to play safely and provide yourself with drinks, snacks and plenty of breaks.
- Learn about CHSW from our website so that you can share how your supporter’s donations directly benefit our charity. Feel free to get in touch with our fundraisers to learn more too.
- Thank everyone for their support once you have completed your fundraising.
From all the families supported by CHSW and all of the team, thank you and Game On!
Fundraising resources
Streaming resources
How to set up a livestream
The most popular platform to live stream your gaming is through Twitch. Use the links below to ensure that you have set up the basic requirements to do this.
Create your Twitch account Set up your Tiltify page
Setting up a Twitch account to connect to your Tiltify campaign allows your supporters to donate without leaving your livestream.
Maximising your Tiltify campaign
There are loads of fun incentives you can add to your tiltify campaign to help boost your fundraising – find out more about adding milestones, targets, rewards, polls to your campaign
Share with your followers!
Promote your livestream across your social media channels , don’t forget to tag Children’s Hospice South West and use #CHSW.
Ask other streamers if you can tag them or advertise in their Discord servers.
Encourage friends and family to get the fundraising going with generous donations on the livestream!
Thank your supporters!
Saying thank you is important and there are plenty of ways you can say thank you to your supporters. You can update the story on your page, tweet a thank you, update your Facebook status or even give them a shout-out as you stream. Let people know how your fundraising went, just what their support has meant to you and what a difference it will make to the families we support at CHSW.
Now you are ready to start gaming!
Tips to staying safe whilst gaming
- Take regular breaks – make sure you get up, stretch, and walk around for at least a few minutes every hour
- Limit your streaming length – only stream for a few hours if you’re going solo, or share a 24-hour stream with others
- Keep hydrated – make sure you have plenty of water and healthy snacks
- Look after your eyes – give your eyes a break away from the screen, at least for a few minutes every hour
- If you’re not feeling well, stop the stream – even if you’ve committed to more hours, stop the stream and look after yourself
You should also be mindful that you don’t feel compelled to keep playing over other activities, or at detriment to yourself. The World Health Organisation has recently recognised gaming disorder as a medical issue. Although not common, this is something to be mindful of. If you are concerned you can find more information and support here.
If you’ve chosen a violent game or one that is rated 18+ you also need to make sure you mark your stream age appropriately on Twitch (or the streaming platform you’re using). Similarly, if you will not be having a PG stream based on the language you use you will need to make sure you make this clear.