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Student’s Charity Head Shave Raises Over £2,000

13 December 2018 Penryn College Fundraising

Penryn College student Sophie Grey has raised more than £2,000 for Children’s Hospice South West, following her incredible act of bravery and selflessness in participating in a charity head shave.

Sophie parted way with her long, brown locks in the Penryn College assembly hall last month, as friends, family, and school staff and students watched on in support.

In addition to the money raised for Children’s Hospice South West, Sophie has donated her hair to the Little Princess Trust – a charity which provides wigs to children and young people who have lost their hair due to cancer treatment and other illnesses.

Indeed, Sophie’s act of kindness and display of empathy was recognised by Children’s Hospice South West when two of the charity’s Fundraising Assistants, Mary Gray and Jo Wignall, visited Penryn College to present Sophie with a medal for her fantastic achievements.

Representing Little Harbour children's hospice, Mary reflected on Sophie’s efforts: “On behalf of all of the children and families that we provide support to at our Little Harbour children’s hospice in St Austell, we would like to thank and congratulate Sophie for her fantastic fundraising. This really will make such a difference to the care we can provide.”

When the charity cheque was presented, the amount of money raised was £1,820 – but thanks to Sophie’s efforts and the kindness of her friends, family, fellow Penryn College pupils, and many more individuals – the total raised has now exceeded an amazing £2,000.

Sophie Grey after her headshave

Proudly reflecting on Sophie’s achievements, her mother, Eleanor Grey, said: “As Sophie’s mother

 I can’t put into words how incredibly proud I am.

She has so much warmth and empathy for others, this act of kindness has absolutely blown us away.”

All of the teachers and staff here at Penryn College would like to commend Sophie for her incredible bravery and effort, and thank everyone who has donated towards the money raised. 

If you would like to contribute towards Sophie’s charity head shave, please click here to visit her JustGiving page.

Source: click here to see article on Penryn College webpage 

Sophie Grey cheque presentation photo