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Helen's overseas challenge raises over £20k

21 December 2017 chsw Fundraising

Helen Witcombe of Bath-based Epoch Wealth Management took on the challenge to climb Kilimanjaro back in 2014 in support of Children’s Hospice South West (CHSW). In November Helen’s appetite for extreme overseas adventures returned and, once again in support of CHSW, Helen self-funded a trip that saw her reach Everest Base Camp (EBC). 

Helen Witcombe at Everest Base Camp

Incredibly, Helen’s fundraising total has just tipped £20k, money which will go directly to helping CHSW support children with life-limiting conditions and their families from Bath, West Wiltshire, Somerset and Bristol.

Helen said,

‘The trek was tough, really tough. Getting to EBC itself is a slog but then standing there drinking it all in and knowing you have to go back the same way you came (and it’s not all downhill!) so you’re still a week away from having a shower and a celebratory drink makes it all a bit more difficult to appreciate! The terrain is tricky, there are some steep ascents and also descents, a lot of dust, the diet is different, there is altitude to contend with and it’s very cold at night and in the morning. It’s a real assault on the body and mind.’

For Helen, CHSW was the obvious charity to benefit from her incredible achievement as she knows families who are supported by CHSW’s local hospice, Charlton Farm.

CHSW Corporate Fundraiser, Kate Fisher, said ‘Helen has achieved an incredible feat and by doing so has raised significant funds and awareness of CHSW. £20,000 could fund a member of the sibling team at our hospice for an entire year. We are exceedingly grateful for her support and the support of Epoch Wealth Management.’    

Helen has some words of wisdom for anyone else thinking of embarking upon such a challenge: ‘Be prepared for anything. Waterproofs, well worn-in boots, a general degree of fitness and a sense of humor are a must! You will likely make some friends for life in such an intense situation and that’s amazing so join in with everyone. Most of all, make sure you stop, pause and look up now and again. I spent a lot of time picking my way over boulders and looking where I was putting my feet so I made sure every so often to stop, look up and around me – the Himalayas are breathtaking and you don’t want to remember only having seen your feet for 2 weeks!’

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