Hazel's special reason for running the Bristol 10k
Hazel says in her own words why she's motivated to run the Great Bristol 10k for CHSW...
'Me run, never. So why did I decide to run the Bristol 10k for CHSW? That’s easy to answer.

‘My son Daniel passed away 7 years ago aged 9, he had special needs and required 24-hour care. The hospice gave respite to myself and my husband Chris so we could have some time together knowing our son was being looked after by the fantastic caring nurses and staff at Charlton Farm.
‘Not only did they look after Daniel’s needs but also ours. They were there when I needed someone to talk 24/7, I was never judged by them even when I was in tears they comforted & supported me along my journey. They treated us like family, and the place itself is like a home from home, but without the cooking and cleaning. In that respect it is like a hotel.
‘When Daniel passed away at home the staff at the hospice helped us organise moving him to Charlton Farm, where he laid in rest in a special room where Chris, myself and our family could spend time with him and say our goodbyes.
‘They helped us organise his funeral. Nothing was too much for them and they were there when I needed a shoulder to cry on. They supported us along our journey and even now we still have contact with them. We go to the summer fete and still, 7 years later, are made to feel so welcome. It truly is a remarkable place with an amazing team of careers.
‘So now, and since losing Daniel, we support CHSW as much as we can. We marshal their events, such as the Rainbow Run & Santas on the Run, all whilst remembering our beautiful boy and the amazing support given by the hospice. But now, instead of them caring for us and Daniel, we join the fabulous fundraising team who do such a great job in raising the profile of this charity who, without them, would have made looking after and losing our son so much harder than it was.

‘So, I ask anyone reading this to support this charity in whichever way you can by donating money or volunteering at their events and helping other families like ours to enjoy whatever time they have with their son, daughter or sibling by keeping the hospices going.
On Sunday 13 May I will be running with pride in my heart knowing I am running not only in memory of my son, but also supporting other families. I am running for CHSW.
If Hazel’s story has inspired you and you have a Bristol 10k place, why not run in support of CHSW? Click here for more info.