Tell us about your job working in fundraising? What’s your typical day/week
Our working week always starts with a get together, whether that be in person or online, so there is always that opportunity to check-in and get the week ahead planned with the help of the team around you.
Each working day can differ so tremendously; with networking, visiting supporters, delivering talks to groups and businesses, doing cheque presentations, managing volunteers, and making calls to help drive our fundraising. Another part of my typical day is sharing our ‘days in the life’ on social media to help inform and educate our communities.
What do you enjoy most about working at CHSW and/or in fundraising?
I enjoy meeting a wide range of people, having that sense of fulfilment from knowing that I’m helping to raise awareness of a great charity and I’m able to make a difference every day.
There is always a great team spirit and a willingness to help each other which means you never feel like you’re on your own, even when working remotely.
There are challenges along the way, like in any job but I feel like every day I learn from those challenges, which help me to grow and develop.
What motivated you to apply to your role?
For almost a decade, I have been aware of the wonderful work of CHSW and in that time it’s always been a charity I have followed.
One of my interview questions was: “Why CHSW?” My answer was simple - I have been so blessed myself with two very healthy and fit children and I would want that for everyone.
However, some families face challenges that I will never be faced with and so, for me it’s a privilege to help provide care and support to those less fortunate.
How did you become a Fundraiser? What job were you doing before?
I entered the world of charity back in 2014 when I started working for an adult hospice. I spent seven incredible years there and realised how wonderful it was to do a job which truly made a difference. It gave me huge personal and professional satisfaction.
I was then offered an opportunity in the recruitment industry where I gained many new skills but spent two and a half years knowing I wasn’t fulfilled in my role. I knew I wanted to return to charity.
Being an Area Fundraiser gives me the opportunity to continue to help provide the care and support that our families need. Personally, I can’t think of a much more rewarding job.
What would you say are the skills you need to do your job? Have you learnt any new skills since being in post?
I believe there aren’t many specific avenues into the Charity Sector from school, college or University and I think that many people who work in fundraising fall into it thanks to the more “soft skills” gathered from working in industries such as Retail, Sales, Customer Service, and Hospitality. Fundraising requires many of these skills, including empathy, integrity, effective communication, active listening, problem solving, and many others.
Time-management is another very important skill needed as a Fundraiser, as the requirement to juggle a huge variety of different tasks and projects can sometimes be overwhelming. I believe I have had the opportunity to enhance my time-management skills being in post which has been possible thanks to working with the right tools.
If you could do another job within CHSW for the day, what would it be?
If I had the opportunity, I would want to shadow every department to get a more insightful understanding of how each team and department works as part of the wider organisation.
I thrive very much on collaborative working and I believe that the only way to improve this is by having respect and knowledge for other colleagues’ roles, coupled with trust, which is key when working in any organisation.
How does it feel to be a part of the CHSW family?
I feel very proud to be part of an organisation that truly makes a difference and has a huge impact on our communities across the South West.
Tell us anything else you love about your role/CHSW…
I love the diversity and the purpose of my role as well as my passion for the cause which is something that drives everyone at CHSW.
3 words to describe CHSW?
United, compassionate, hopeful.
What inspires you in your working life?
My inspiration is my desire to continue to make a difference to others and to have a job with a clear purpose.
What are the best things about being part of CHSW?
I feel part of a huge community with dedicated and committed colleagues and supporters around me every day. There is strength in numbers and each person that gets involved in the work of CHSW drives that strength throughout the South West.