I have worked as a nurse at Charlton Farm for just over two years now and I love it here. Part of my role is palliatively supporting children and their families through the end of their lives, managing symptoms and making the most of every day.
The role of a nurse at the hospice is varied and challenging role, but it is such a huge privilege too. There are a variety of children we offer respite to, who have various clinical needs such as tracheostomies, ventilators, catheters, syringe drivers, CVC lines all of which we receive education and training in.
A lot of what we do at Charlton Farm is about creating memories for babies, children, young people and their families, which can sometimes involve water fights, dancing, singing, Disney days, watching football, dressing up, relaxing in the hydrotherapy pool, paint throwing and much, much more! The care team is made up of nurses, carers, teachers and other professionals.
They are all incredible, so supportive, fun, and kind!
I’d recommend Charlton Farm to any nurse who enjoys spending quality time with children and their families, while gaining a variety of clinical experience and who wants to help them make the most out of their short and precious lives.