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Affinity Devon is supporting Children’s Hospice South West in 2023
In 2023 Affinity Devon announced Children’s Hospice South West as its chosen charity for the year and in that time raised a staggering £7260.13!
Gubs Hayer, Area Fundraiser for CHSW, shares what the partnership entailed and says a huge thank you to Affinity Devon:

We are incredibly grateful to Affinity Devon for choosing CHSW as their Charity of the Year in 2023. It was such a fantastic year of fundraising, and we can’t thank them enough; the management team were so supportive and open to all the fundraising ideas we threw at them.  

"The money raised will help our Little Bridge House children’s hospice in Fremington provide vital care and support for children and young people with life-limiting conditions and their families.”

Bear at Affinity


The money was raised in various ways including monthly fundraising events at the centre, a Dog show, Christmas market, collection tins. CHSW’s Bear Hunt was also launched at the centre back in January 2023 and was home to one of the bears for the year. Staff from Pro-Cook and Sketchers also took on tandem skydives to help raise vitals funds for the charity.  


Craig Hill, Centre Manager of Affinity Devon said:

Our partnership with Children’s Hospice South West has been a resounding success. We are proud of the positive impact we have made together via the means of awareness and money raised.

We encourage everyone to get involved in supporting, whether it's volunteering your time, donating resources, or simply raising awareness, every contribution makes a difference.


We extend our sincere gratitude to everyone who has supported this partnership and contributed to its shared success. The CHSW team were a joy to work with and we wish them, and the charity continued success”.


The charity is hoping to work with more companies this year to help raise the vital funds needed to support children, young people, and their families here in the South West.


Gubs Hayer ended by saying:

“There are so many different ways to get involved and help support your local children’s hospice and one way is to nominate us as your company’s Charity of the Year, like Affinity Devon did! Please get in touch for a chat and to find out more or visit our website to learn more about Charity of the Year partnerships.”