Tricia Morris
Chair of Trustees
Board of Trustees
Qualifying in 1974 as an Occupational Therapist Tricia’s early career was spent working with children with special needs, their families, carers and teachers. As her family grew up she studied for Masters Degrees in Health Psychology and Business Administration. Career progression took Tricia more into management roles and eventually in 2003 she founded Kibo Consultants Ltd to provide a broad range of service improvement and project management services to the NHS, local government and the voluntary sector. Many of the highlights of her career relate to being able to make a positive difference to children’s lives.
Tricia began volunteering and fundraising at an early age. As a teenager in the girl guides, then running a mother and toddler group when her children were young, and later as a marathon runner raising funds to support children’s charities. Her claims to fame are reaching the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro on three different occasions and running in the same race that Paula Radcliffe broke the world record.