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Yate Shop Taster Volunteering 2018

10:30am - 3:30pm
Yate Shop, Yate
Event organiser:

Yate Shop Taster Volunteering 2018

Find out what it's like to volunteer at your new Yate shop

Did you know that volunteering at your local shop not only helps us to continue to raise funds for the hospice but can also be rewarding and sociable for you?

If you've ever wondered about what is involved when you volunteer in a charity shop, then pop along to your new Yate shop on Monday 15 or Tuesday 16 January to find out. We'll be on hand to answer any questions, just have a cuppa and a chat about what it's like or do a short taster session and meet the team. There's no obligation, it's just a great way to find out more about what it's like to volunteer and how it can work for you.

Volunteering at the shop is great. I know that I'm helping others but also doing something for me - I have made so many friends here.

Find out more

You can pop into the Yate shop in East Walk (next to Tesco) anytime between 10.30am - 3.30pm or contact us on 01271 313 319 or