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Children’s Hospice South West’s response to coronavirus

Last update issued: March 2022

With all social restrictions now lifted, I wanted to thank everyone who has continued to support CHSW through the challenging last 2 years.  

Our shops are once again trading as normal, our fundraising activities return to more ‘in person’ events and our fundraising staff are out and about spreading the word of the work of Children’s Hospice South West. 

The children and young people we care for are very vulnerable and throughout the pandemic their health and safety has been our highest priority. We have adhered to all the guidance for their care issued by the Government. For them care is yet to return to the level it was at pre-pandemic, slowly but surely, however, this is beginning to happen and as it does, we will as always ensure that this occurs in a safe and planned way. The safety of children and young people entrusted to our care will always be a priority.  

I can’t thank you enough for continuing to stand with us so that we can continue to deliver care and support to children, young people and their families from across the South West.  

Thank you.    

Eddie Farwell  

Co-Founder and CEO Eddie Farwell

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General Statement  

Children’s Hospice South West (CHSW) continues to monitor the situation with regards to the coronavirus pandemic.  

We will in every circumstance heed the advice of Public Health England (PHE) and the  Government.  Also, we respectfully ask that all supporters abide by this advice.

Our Care Services   

Our hospices remain open but at this time have been limited to end of life, emergency, symptom control and resilience stays only. All routine respite has for now, been paused, however, we continue to provide ongoing support to families over the phone, and in their own homes.  

We are continuing to liaise with our families to advise of any changes to our care service as and when we have updates.    

We have restricted access to all care areas within our hospice sites to essential staff only and have stringent procedures and policies in place to ensure we protect our families and staff at all times.    

For children and young people staying at the hospice, we will agree on an individual basis the number of family members staying with them/visiting members as appropriate, we absolutely recognise the need to be with your child.   

If families do have any questions or concerns, please do call us, we're here for you 24/7.   

Call our Care team 

Our fundraising    

We have a fantastic calendar of activities planned for 2022, both in person and virtually. If you have any questions about any of our activities, please do speak to your local fundraiser.   

Call your local fundraising team 

Our shops   

Our shops are all trading their normal hours, however with increased staff absences at times, some may have to temporarily close for a day or two. Therefore, please check with your local shop if they are open if you are making a special trip.   

We continue to be overwhelmed with kind donations and we ask that prior to taking your donations to your local shop, please do contact them first, particularly if you have a large donation.   

To ensure the safety of our staff, volunteers and customers a number of measures continue to be in place within our shops such as till screens and hand sanitiser stations. Face masks are welcome if you wish to wear one. 

We look forward to welcoming you at one of our shops soon.  

Find your local shop

  • Signs are placed around the shop to encourage customers and donors to wear face coverings and continue social distancing 
  • Hand sanitising units are available at entrance and exit points 
  • Fitting rooms remain closed 
  • All touch points will be cleaned during the day 
  • Till screens for protecting both the till operator and customer 
  • All staff and volunteers have been provided with training on the new ways of working  

  • Relevant PPE will be provided to all shop staff and volunteers 

  • New signage ‘back of house’ to remind staff of all hand hygiene and social distancing rules 

Our Volunteers  

We are so thankful for the passion and dedication that many hundreds of volunteers consistently demonstrate in support for CHSW. We ask that all of our volunteers continue to look after themselves and their families as a first priority as we continue to journey back to fundraising within the community.  

Please ensure you are continuing to take all the necessary steps to protect yourself during this time - your health and wellbeing are very important to us!    

We would like to thank our volunteers for their wonderful ongoing support and we can’t wait to see you all in person again soon