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Jo's 3 Peak Challenge raises thousands

15 July 2023 chsw Fundraising

Jo Retallick from Cornwall, completed the 3 Peaks Challenge for Children’s Hospice South West (CHSW) in July. 

The 3 Peaks Challenge is a mountain challenge event that involves climbing the highest mountains in England, Scotland and Wales within 24 hours. The 3 peaks are Ben Nevis in Scotland, Scafell Pike in England and Snowdon in Wales.

Jo started off with Ben Nevis, which stands at 4,413ft. She started the climb at 6am and reached the summit in 2 hours and 40 minutes.

Jo said:, “The views were insane, and this was my favourite mountain by far!”

Next was Scafell Pike in the Lake District (3,209ft). She began her ascent at 7pm, but sadly had to turn back half way up due to severe rain, thunder and lightning. 

Finally, came Snowdon (3,560ft). For her final peak, Jo started early at 03.20am.

She said, “I absolutely loved hiking in the dark. The incline was good, but I really struggled on the descent, the views on the way down though were spectacular!

I never knew I had this in me and I am so unbelievably proud to have accomplished this and to have raised such a huge amount of money for this wonderful cause.

Jo’s incredible fundraising efforts will help children, young people and their families from across Cornwall and Plymouth get vital support from Little Harbour, including day visits to the hospice, overnight stays, end of life care, bereavement support, virtual support and home visits which all cost around £3 million a year to fund.