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CHSW Volunteer Driver
Maureen's story
Maureen is a volunteer driver

"Volunteer? Me? I’m way too busy…sorry...I’d like to, but…"

"They need help at Little Bridge House? Yes, of course I know what a wonderful place it is and how lucky we are to have such a facility locally, but I don’t see myself coping with the kids."

This was me a decade ago and many others like me I guess. Ill-informed and swamped with work and domestic pressures. Then early retirement came along and this busy, busy lady suddenly found herself with time on her hands and decided it would be great to give something back and become a volunteer.

In one sense Little Bridge House would be a natural choice as I live nearby, but I wasn’t sure how I’d cope, or if it would be the right choice for me. I was told they always need volunteer drivers and as I’ve done a lot of driving in my time my skills could be useful. So, I applied and the rest is history. I’ve driven thousands of meals across the south west and picking up or taking back families in need of respite.

The experience has been immensely rewarding and totally changed my perspective of hospice care.

Little Bridge House is like a large welcoming, old-fashioned farmhouse... the smell of cooking, the Aga chundering away, music and laughter, care and love, fun and games, empathy and compassion for every single member of the family.
Is it a sad place? – Sometimes. Is it an amazing place? – Always.

Don’t be afraid, step inside and meet us. We all have a special talent we can share.

Best thing about volunteering

Helping others

One word to describe volunteering with CHSW
